Qualified Attorneys Answer
Your Legal Questions

Absolutely Free § No Obligation § Confidential § Anonymous (if you want)

Why Legal QnA?

Completely free

You will never pay us. You will only pay the attorney who gave you the answer if you decide to hire her or him.

Easy and anonymous

No account to set up, submit a question and receive an answer. You do not have to provide personal identifying information to receive a consultation.


Any information you submit will be shared only with an attorney who has the duty to keep it confidential.

No obligations, no pressure

You do not have to take further actions after receiving an answer if you don't want to. No personal information will be provided to the answering attorney without your consent, so you will not receive any unwanted solicitations.

How it works

You submit a free, confidential request online by describing your question in detail.
A qualified attorney receives your question and provides you with a detailed answer.
You review the answer and options provided by the attorney, then make a decision on the next steps.
If you decide to explore future options with the help of the attorney, you can directly hire the attorney.

Please note:

You do not have to provide any personal identifying information, a general description of your legal question is enough.

You are encouraged to include as much detail as you are comfortable sharing as many legal questions turn on finer points of fact.

We will not share any part of your question for any purpose other than submitting it to an attorney in order for the attorney to provide a free answer.

Submit a Question

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Access information

You will need to provide us with a valid email in order to access the attorney's answer to your question. When your answer is ready, an email will be sent to the email address you submit here. You can click the link in the email, or return to LegalQnA.com to access your answer.


Secret Question

Please choose a secret question and provide the answer to the question. When your answer is ready, you will need to answer the secret question in order to access the answer given by the attorney. The answer is not case sensitive.

Answer to the question you chose:

Subject and Jurisdiction

Please select the legal topic area of your question. If none applies, choose "general."

Please indicate the state of your residence. If your state is not on the list, we are not yet ready to provide answers in your state. In that case, please send us a message so we can notify you when our service is available in your state.

Your Question

Please submit your legal question here. Be as detailed and accurate as possible. Sometimes small details can drastically change the answer to a legal question.

Terms and Conditions

No attorney-client relationship will be formed by using LegalQnA.com. LegalQnA.com does not provide any legal advice. You are submitting questions in order to receive a free general answer from an attorney. Any legal information you will receive from the attorney is general legal information, not specific advice for you. Any legal information you receive through your use of LegalQnA.com is the product of the answering attorney, not legalQnA.com. You have the right to discontinue the use of LegalQnA.com at any time. LegalQnA.com is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to you by the attorney, as it is the sole responsibility of the attorney to provide you with accurate information. You will have the option to contact the attorney who provided you the free consultation in order to directly hire the attorney. Since the information you receive through your use of LegalQnA.com is not legal advice specific to your situation, you are encouraged to consider hiring the attorney who provided you the free information or another qualified attorney who can help you further.

I certify that I have read and agree with the above terms and conditions.

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